Friday, April 28, 2006

List of Flowers

I believe I will list the flowers outside. The weather has turned beautiful, and everyday something new opens up.

1. The dogwoods are suddenly begining to look spectacular. Oh, how I love them. There's a lovely one in the grounds of the office building with the leaking roof that was in the Gazette Times, between Jackson and Van Buren on 7th. I'm worried about it because it's building is in trouble.

2. Rhododendron. My red one abruptly burst forth. So bright and gay.

3. Azalea. I have two that are orchid color, one that is pale pink and white that I brought back from my Mom's funeral in 2000, one that is red, and not doing so well, and one that is hot pink. My yard looks great when they bloom.

4. Tulips. Mine are in various stages of develpement. I think my favorite is the pink and green one.

5. Geranium. A tiny one I just planted already is blooming. Yea!

6. I have to go now.


Lena said...

One of the starter geraniums?!!
It sounds like it is beautiful where you is really pretty here too...except I've noticed that most of the dogwoods (including mine) around town have a lot fewer blossoms than usual. I wonder if it is because of the very long wet winter we had?
Hope you have a good day today.

Vita said...

Yes, it is very beautiful here today. I heard from the insurance company today, and they say my car is totalled. Oh! And I liked that car so much! Where am I going to find a car I like so much for the price the insurance company is giving me? Yes, one of the geranium starts. Another is getting ready to bloom. Our dogwood are all very beautiful and lush and covered with more blooms than they look like they deserve to have. Maybe some fairy other than you stole blooms from your dogwood to put down here on ours? You think? I'm doing laundry and practicing, so I'll get back to it.

Unknown said...

I told you looked happy in your garden today! My goodness what a beautiful day...

What car shall you pick?? a volvo : ) perhaps?

yea for tomorrow!

crallspace said...

Are you good at indentifying wild flowers? If so, I have a garden here in NE corvallis, near Conifer and 99 and need some help identifying some.


Vita said...

I am lucky to remember the names of the flowers I have. In fact I have not been lucky lately. So, no.