Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Honda CB250 Dream Comes Back to Life

The neighbors all know that HH likes old motorcycles, so when one was moving away, he looked at the rusty old thing he was intending to get around to someday, and decided that instead of hauling it with him to his new home east of the mountains,  he'd see if he could get HH to re-home it.  Such a worthy project it turned out to be!  HH would say, "It keeps me off the streets."
Here it is.  Not looking like much, but potential was there.  I think he must have started polishing a little, just to see what his chances were.
What a sad little mite.  But many, many hours of polishing and spoke shining up, and chain cleaning and everything else cleaning, and painting, and what a busy boy he was.  He'd come in and tell me just what he'd done that day, and I was generally on my way somewhere, so didn't properly record his progress, which was steadily coming along.  The wiring was particularly tricky.

That certainly took a while.  Steady work all spring and most of summer, I'm thinking, but memory is pretty protean.  He was very excited because He had the tires laying around already with nothing to go with them until this.  Serendipity!  Next the engine.
Isn't that a little sweetie-pie?  There was all sorts of attachment things, each coming with it's own unique problem and solution.  Alas, I can't remember them all.
Now he says when he gets older and frailer, this will be the last bike he sells, because it is perfection. Light, smooth, fast, economical.  There's a lot to recommend it.  Sorry I took so long to show it off.
