Monday, July 17, 2006

Fall in Street

My MIL is very independent, and wants to help others, and doesn't want her neighbors' cats to get lonesome when they go away, so even with her new knee, and her anemia, she still went over last night to babysit the neighbor's cat. Then the cat wanted out, but didn't want back in, so MIL had to leave her outside Saturday night. Sunday morning at 5:30 a.m. she was up and saw Cat waiting to be let in, so she used her cane and hobbled over across the street, but when she got there she couldn't work the locks to open the doors. She was feeling weak and dizzy. So she unsteadily headed back home, but only got about three feet into the street before she collapsed, and it was an hour she lay there calling weakly for help and assistance. Finally a neighbor spotted her out the window and called to her. She requested the paramedics, so there were ambulances and sirens and police, and three big burly guys picked her up and saw her home. Well, that scared the cat. MIL called us and we came right over and eventually Cat came out of hiding and even more eventually, cat went inside her house, where she has food and water and a cat box and toys. The food and water are in special dispensers that are supposed to hold up for a week, which is longer than neighbor will be gone. So there's our excitement for the day. MIL needed a few groceries, a few salves, and dinner, and a few chores done around the house. HH did the chores, I did the shopping, and we all did the dinner at some near by eating joint. That's three days in a row we've eaten out with MIL. She's feeling lonesome now her Sweetie has died.


Avus said...

I never thought that cats could be as time consuming as dogs, Vita. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Nice to see that you like "The World's Fastest Indian" - great film - saw in in NZ when it came out and now have the DVD - guess it appeals to all us "older" motorcyclists, riding those old sickles.

Unknown said...

My goodness! I probably heard the sirens and didn't even consider that it might be someone i know. She's lucky to have you as a DIL.
If you need me to check on her, I am close... you can count on me.

Lena said...

Goodness, that must have been scary for everyone, but especially the MIL. I hope she will take things a little easier for a while after this.