Tuesday, May 30, 2006

This Is Not Monday

Here's a shot of DD's cat yawning taken by DD. Some of kitty's toys are in the background. That string, for instance, used to be much much longer, but it's been worried to pieces, and there's only a few feet left. It's crocheted of cotton yarn by DD when HH's Mom was teaching DD how many years ago. That's the last thing she finished. There's a bit of an unfinished tea towel somewhere. Both cats love this string, I think because of the changing colors. The blue thing is a tunnel that they like to sleep in and peer through. They don't like rolling it around the room, but we people do.

This morning HH took the New Zealand bike to work. I don't know for sure, but I think it's from 1953. I have been trying to add things to my sidebar, which looks like it's at the bottom, but it should be at the side. I once tried to do something that failed, and ever since, the sidebar stuff has been at the bottom. Anyway, HH sure looked cute going off to work on the cute old bike. I guess I don't know how to put one picture here and one picture there, so both the darn pictures are there, and none are here.


Vita said...

THAT is not HH's BSA, but isn't it cute?

Unknown said...

Tis cute!
Hey, you put on links! Did you do that yourself? You are very cool!

Lena said...

I noticed the links too...good job Vita. Keep plugging away at it! Love the vintage motorcycle photo!

Unknown said...

Please write some more Ms. Vita!