Saturday, May 06, 2006

Yippy, Another Car, I'm so Happy!

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What fun it was to buy my nice car. I almost said "new", but it's not new. A lovely girl, probably in her late 20's and very pretty and friendly, who told me she took her young daughter to a Fairy Fair yesterday, was selling her car because she bought another one, and her old one was so nice! It's dark green, and if I couldn't have white, dark green was my second choice. I've been admiring the dark green ones I see about town. I was worried I'd have to get a yucky red one. Oh! Bliss. The wonderful friends that like good coffee are coming next Friday, and I'm so glad we've already got the car thing taken care of, and I can give my sweet mother-in-law her car back, which it was so kind of her to lend us. It is wonderful to have my very own car again, and not have to not put things in the car because it's not mine and I'll just have to take them out again, like the roll of paper towels that DDaughter says we should keep in there and which is nearly used up, HHusband's boxes of tools, the box of chains, my comb and mirror, the garbage bag, the picnic blanket, the music stand I like to keep in there so I'll have one even if I forget, hats and gloves and spare sweatshirts...My, what a lot of junk. I think I've lost my lip gloss in one of the moves. I've used 4 different cars since mine fell into the tree.

I would like to go to a fairy fair. I don't think I went to one with DDaughter, though we have gone to May Fairs.


Unknown said...

Are you going to come over and give us a show of the new car? I love dark green! What will HHusband do to it to make it unique so I know it's ewe on the road?
I'm excited for you!

Lena said...

Glad to hear you found your new car and that you're happy with it Vita!

herhimnbryn said...

I know just what you mean about keeping 'your' things in yr own car! I swaer my car is like my second home!
Thankyou for yr kind comment on mt blog.

Cookie said...

Lucky you with a nice "new" car. You asked about "tines" well its just my way of saying Afternoon Tea. (Tea and Tiny Cakes)= Tea and Tinies. lol. Have a happy week! Hugssss

LJ said...

Congratulations on the new car. Green is a very classy car color, I think. And by the way...exactly how does one's car "fall into a tree?" That had me grinning. Is it the same way one's hand might "fall" into a stream of coffee?