Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Quick Note

I'm still having trouble, and this has "unexpectedly quit" on me twice while trying to upload photo of new pooch, so will try again tomorrow. My time is up for today. The breed is long haired dachsund. Napolean and Queen Victoria and now my mother-in-law had them. Hmmm.


Lena said...

Hi Vita,
Lots of Blogger folks are having problems right now, especially with uploading photos. I've read in a few places that some have solved the problem by downloading Firefox as an optional browser, instead of Internet Explorer. Don't know if this helps...but maybe?
Rosa has a Blogger site too and hers used to shut down on me all the time. I use Firefox to view her site now, and haven't had a problem since.
Hope you're having a good day today!

Vita said...

Thank you Mrs. Staggs. I think DD uses firefox. It has a nice name. I'm using Safari. If I keep having trouble I'll try Firefox. I'm just checking e-mail and got side-tracked. Maybe I'll try adding photo now, since I'm here.

herhimnbryn said...

Pretty breed of dog ( and you can tuck it under your arm!).
Re; Blogger............seems they are more concerned with their new version now ( Beta Blogger) and I think are expecting all bloggers to go across to this soon.
I wonder whether this is part of the reason we are having problems:)