Sunday, October 08, 2006


Here's my cute manual typewriter. I got the ribbons for it. I had to order them from New Jersey, because that's where the typewriter collectors are. It looks like one of the things my dad collected was typewriters. My brother found them all over the house, and brought them all to one place. It looked like a museum display. I've had mine for ages, but I found the receipt for it at Dad's and discovered that my brother bought it. I asked him, and he said I could keep it, so I ordered the ribbons. I typed a letter to my cousin on it. I was surprised that I could still do it.

Yesterday HH found a buyer for his Kawasaki W650, so he's happy. We will be able to pay down the loan for the expensive 1942 Harley Davidson. He was talking about selling his Nighthawk, too, but I think I talked him out of it. It has a shaft drive and doesn't have spoke wheels, so is relatively unadventruresome, which is good for having fun and getting there and getting back and still having fun. He says he almost fell over in the early morning soggy fog in San Francisco when he drove over one of the huge white arrows painted on the road. He says you have to be in total focus mode driving in San Francisco. He also said he would have been so embarrassed if he had, because all the other bikes there were Ducati's or other flash exotica, and he felt such a hick with all his camping gear strapped onto the back, and it would have scattered all over the road.

Yesterday afternoon we went to The Darkside theater and saw the French movie, The Science of Sleep, which surpised us both. It didn't sound that great in the previews, but it was. See it if you get a chance. I don't want to say anything in case
you do. It's fun to go in with no expectations.


Avus said...

Ah yes, I remember typewriters. Just thinking back to typing stuff that needed, say, 4 copies. So 4 sheets of paper sandwiched with 3 sheets of carbon paper (mucky stuff on the fingers), try to roll all that into the machine, type away, make a mistake, carefully rub out top copy with a guard around the rub point so as not to go through to the under copies, then perform the same with each of the under copies. We thought that nirvana had arrived when "snopake" came out!

....."It has a shaft drive and doesn't have spoke wheels, so is relatively unadventuresome, which is good for having fun and getting there and getting back and still having fun." .......Loved this definition of an "unadventuresome" bike - describes my BMW exactly

Vita said...

Yes, you brought back bad memories of being tense, shoulders aching, crouched over the keyboard earnestly hoping not to make any mistakes. The computer as a word processor sure beats the typewriter, but it's nice to have something that requires no power source and keeps working for the over 41 years since it was purchased used.

If you only have room in your life for one bike, your BMW sounds like a good sort to have. The guy that sold HH his 1947 Sunbeam, which his father bought new in 1947, kept his BMW. He moved to a small house on the coast with a single car garage.