Tuesday, October 24, 2006

About Time

If this photo works, isn't it great. Collections of a friend of a friend. An amazing fellow, I think.

I've taken an old drawer from a dresser that fell apart and the rest of it went to the dump, but I put a pet blanket from the pet store, sworn to kill bacteria and be machine washable, in the bottom, and the poor old blind kitty curls up in it and sleeps and feels fairly safe from the ornery young whipper-snapper kitty, who likes to bite her ears just because she can. Cats! Hmph!

The piano is in! The room looks great, and we have friends vieing over who will get to store the drums at their house, since they really are quite big and it doesn't look like they'll fit in the closet, unless we give up wearing clothes. I've made room for the two dressers. The small cupboard my Grandfather made fits nicely into the tiny dining area, but his small table hasn't found a place yet, and neither has my old desk. Well, that's not true. It's just that I have to extracate the drafting table from it's spot before I can replace it with my old desk, which my parents used as their first kitchen table in their first house. I also have their second kitchen table, and it fits beautifully into my tiny dining area. It's the table I grew up with, and my little brother and I did homework on it. It's so nice to have! HH and DD seem to like it, too.


Avus said...

Yes, family furniture is very evocative. I am typing this sitting at my "computer table", which is a mahogany drop-leaf - it used to belong to my grandmother and then my mother. It is probably early 20th century - the maker could not remotely have contemplated its present use!

off line said...

What a beautiful garden picture.

And your home sounds cozy with memories and friends. A bright spot.

Lena said...

Oh, I'm so happy to hear that your are finding room for your family treasures. I bet the piano is lovely and the visual you left on my blog of the cat sleeping on the "bench" was a sweet one. My parents moved a lot while I was a child, each remarried and my mom dislked clutter and old things. When my grandmother passed on, I was asked if I wanted anything of hers and have her old mission oak chest, a quilt she wanted me to have and an old cast iron match holder. A few old pieces of china too. I treasure them all.

herhimnbryn said...

I echo Avus' thoughts . I'm sitting typing this in my Grandmother's armchair. She would never have guessed that it would travel 10,000 miles and end up in Oz!
That garden image is great V. So many succulants. Thay all have amazing shapes.