Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Confusion Reigns Here

I'm reading a book about this guy, Justinian I, of the new Roman Empire, and his wife Theadosia, and his Lord Chamberlain, John. Justinian is the ruler of Roman Empire, such as it is. Mostly it's about John, who has mysteries to solve. I have a mystery to solve. Where does my checkbook keep going? Every time I want to pay bills, or figure I'd better in order to avoid penalties, I can't find my checkbook. So where is it this time? It's always wherever I put it last, but I can never remember. Our big swing jazz band is playing tonight. I hope I can find my trombone. I have the other one in a shop 90 miles away. That makes me nervous. At least I know where it is.


BoggyWoggy said...

Oh, man! You better go to the doctor, Vita. I can understand losing a checkbook, but a trombone???

Vita said...

Hurrah! I found my checkbook and my trombone. The funny thing is, I can remember all the words to ads jingles from the 50's and 60's.

BoggyWoggy said...

Me, too. Except, I wasn't born until 1962, so I remember jingles from the late 60's, 70's, and 80's.
I'm thinking about you today and hoping everything is Okie-Dokie

Lena said...

Mr. Staggs keeps threatening to buy me a chain for my reading glasses, so I know how you feel. Just a couple of minutes ago, I was searching high and low for the battery charger for my camera. Know where it was? Yep....right inside the camera bag!

Take care Vita!

Vita said...

Hey, BW, everything is OK. Yay!

Mrs. Staggs, To go with the glasses chain, a double sided clip to hold the sweater over the shoulders together.