Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

Just wanted to wish everyone, and especially Mrs. Staggs, a Happy Valentine's Day. HH is going to take me to the Darkside to see Pan's Labyrinth. The Darkside is the most romantic theater in town. I can hardly wait.

Hee hee. He had a little excitement with his 1954 BSA Monday. Got stuck and had to call the rescue trailer (me). Thank goodness our very able neighbor was home to push the Gold Wing out of the way of the trailer for me. He also hitched it up for me. HH says it's all part of the excitement of driving old British bikes, and he's also looking forward with glee to rebuilding the magneto.


herhimnbryn said...

Happy Valentine V.

Avus said...

Thanks for the card V.
Yes - old Brit bikes are never boring - frustrating, yes!
Trouble is I rode them when they were still "young" British bikes. They may have been BSAs or whatever, but they got called a lot of other different things too. Why was it always cold, or wet, or snowing, or windy or all of them when they decided to go pop?
No bike trailers and rescue service then. I can remember pushing a (admittedly and thankfully light weight) BSA Bantam 5 miles in heavy snow on a dark night to get back to army camp just in time to avoid being AWOL.

Lena said...

Thank you Vita.
A happy belated Valentine's Day to you too!