Saturday, May 07, 2016

My Dream Car

 The guy with the Vincent Black Shadow stopped by with his newest purchase.  He didn't mind me ooing and ahhing and taking pictures, and he didn't mind that I was jealous, either.  He was so happy with it that I ended up not being jealous but happy for him.  He opened everything to let us look.  HH got to go for a ride in it.  He offered to take me around, too, but I declined.  Probably a good thing, since as HH was getting in he complained that The Guy didn't have anything with easy access.
It's fun to stay home and see what will show up in the driveway.  This Smart Car showed up last week, and the week before, my brother stopped by with his latest Porsche.  I made him tea.


Avus said...

A lovely E Type, Vita. Are you sampling what's around with all the visits to your drive? What will HH be getting? Have you decided?

Vita said...

He's after a Standard, to replace the Metropolitan, which I've done my best to make him feel guilty for selling. What do you think?

Avus said...

There are many types of the Standard, which is he getting? I once owned a 1947 version of the "12", a four door car in about 1965. It originally was a good car but age and many owners had not been kind. I soon got rid of it.

Vita said...

It's hard to find much info, but it's a little bitty thing from the late 50's. We're not dead set on a Standard, which I think is called something else here. I'll say more when I know more, if I ever do, which I might not.

I know what you mean about many owners not being kind. When HH was fixing other people's motorcycles he ran into a lot of that. On the other hand, he's always talking about what a wonderful job someone did rebuilding the 1954 B-31 he bought from New Zealand.

Vita said...

My teeth may put an end to our fun car dreams, or at least apply some brakes. Good grief! I have the estimate from the periodontist. It wouldn't buy a whole car, or maybe it would, depending on the car.