Saturday, October 17, 2015

Success with Seeds

We took a trip this spring, and when we returned, temperatures were in the high 90s, so I waited for them to fall back to the low 80s before planting seeds.  I bought Mailbox Mix morning glories, and it wasn't until very recently (possibly late September) that there were any blooms.  It's such fun to look every morning and see what new flower has opened.  I think this is the most it's given me in one day.  There are also pole beans tangled up with this, and I've now harvested enough to make a pot of beans.  This is much better than the time I grew zucchini or turnips--my other attempts as seeds.  The birds, however, are having quite a fruitful time planting seeds in the driveway.  What to try next year?


Avus said...

My wife is the gardener around here and she was worrying that she had had no morning glories this year. But they were late and all came out at once - we had over 20 all on the one vine! A gorgeous deep blue, but they were gone in less than 2 days.

Vita said...

Brief but beautiful.